I saw a documentary on the building of this Aquarium the other night. What they had to go through to acquire all the fish for the exhibits was amazing. They actually gave little shopping list of the types of fish they needed to different marine biologists all over the world. I would love to see it in person.
“The Aquarium in Valencia (L'Oceanogràfic) lies in the heart of the stunning futuristic City of Arts and Sciences. It is the largest open-air oceanographic park in Europe that takes up 110,000 square meters of space. Its main building was designed in the shape of a water lily by a prominent Spanish architect, Felix Candela. L'Oceanogràfic is inhabited by 45,000 fish and sea animals that represent the ecosystems of the Mediterranean, Arctic and Antarctic zones as well as tropical seas, temperate seas and the Red Sea.” (http://opentravel.com/blogs/the-worlds-most-impressive-aquariums/)
That looks amazing! I love how it's all open, definitely some place I'd love to visit!